

































































History - Sheep & Wool

Ear marking pliers

Drenching guns

Thick chalk, used to mark sheep
for short term identification,
across the back or head,
such as when culling to sell

Older style handpieces


Modern handpiece but with older
style narrow comb and cutter,
and oil pot

Screwdrivers for changing
combs and maintenance



Sheep branding iron.
Dipped in branding fluid
(not heated)

Wool table, older style, timber.
This type of table was built as
far back as 1860


Wool bale hooks

Brush used with wool bale
stencil black

Wool bale stencils (LN standing
for Lionel Norvill, over

Stencil is now PHN standing
for Peter Henry Norvill

Wool bale stencil black kit

BKN stands for Broken and is the
wool with most of the better qualities
of the fleece but is skirted from edges
and as a result will have more grass
seed and bur  

PCS stands for Pieces and is an
older style term that used to be
used for what is now called BKN

LKS stands for Locks and are
the tinniest bits of fleece and
off-cuts, most of which falls
through the slats of the wool
table or accumulates on
the shed floor

BLS stands for Bellies and is that
first shorn off from the sheep’s

A is used on the main fleece
lines and stands for varying fleece
quality. The more ‘A’s there are on
any line of bales, as a rule, the
better the quality relative to that
line of sheep and wool.
An example is AAAA

Note: There is no number 9.
The number 6 is inverted for a 9

W stands for Wethers

E  stands for Ewes

M  stands for Merino

H  stands for Hogget

1st, 2nd are other standards of
fleece type and quality

Hook used with Plunge Dip. Half moon part of hook used to push sheep under and curl at end
was for pulling up to surface if they got stuck